Sweden has a lengthy history of initiatives in the defence and security industry. 这个小国却产生了大量的名人, 高科技公司——比如博福斯, 科库姆斯和十大正规博彩网站评级,现在已经和十大正规博彩网站评级合二为一了. 我们历史的某些方面可以追溯到17世纪, 当时瑞典是欧洲主要强国之一.
十大正规博彩网站评级诞生于20世纪30年代,当时正值新一轮世界大战的威胁. In the neutral Sweden, politicians wanted to create an air force based on domestic industry. 很明显,航空就是未来. Prime Minister Per-Albin Hansson declared in a speech in 1936 that “our country should manufacture its own weapons as much as possible. We have good shipyards and armouries but we have no production in the country for warplanes.”
十大正规博彩网站评级公司成立于1937年4月2日,开发和制造作战飞机. 瑞典空军是在冷战期间用我们的产品建立起来的, 并成为世界上最大的公司之一. 像龙怪这样的飞机, Viggen and Gripen represent some of Sweden’s largest industrial initiatives through history and have led to pioneering technological developments in several fields, 尤其是在IT行业.
A large portion of the Swedish defence and security industry’s history is associated with today’s Saab. 通过收购博福斯和Kockums等公司, 十大正规博彩网站评级的传统可以追溯到17世纪. As early as the reign of King Karl XI during the country’s years as a major power, Sweden’s most specialised vessels were launched at the naval yard in Karlskrona, and the same is true today with the construction of the next generation of submarines.
在19世纪末的博福斯制造业区, 阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔开始了世界领先的火炮和火药生产. 100多年后, this is where antiaircraft weapons systems and antitank weapons are developed for future needs. In 2006, Saab made one of its most strategic acquisitions with the purchase of Ericsson Microwave Systems. 该公司拥有世界领先的雷达和监视产品, 包括机载雷达系统Erieye, the Giraffe ground radar system and the artillery localization radar system 亚瑟.
虽然我们最初是一家纯粹的国防工业公司, the end of the war and impending military budget cuts prompted the company to branch out into civilian aircraft and applications. This process would pave the way for the company’s merger with Scania between 1969 and 1995.
AB Svenska Järnvägsverkstäderna, ASJ, 由Carl Johan和Erland Uggla兄弟创立于Linköping.
造船厂交付第一艘潜艇给瑞典海军, Svärdfisken和Tumlaren, 潜艇生产成为该公司业务的主要焦点.
ASJ’s aircraft department is formed, ASJA, on the initiative of managing director Erland Uggla. 这个部门的负责人是斯文·布隆伯格.
ASJA以25万瑞典克朗从卡尔·克莱门斯·贝克手中收购瑞典航空公司. The purchase included a previously placed order for seven fighter aircraft of the type J6 Jaktfalken.
国防决策需要大量的空军建设. 这被解释为到1943年, 瑞典应该购买297架战机和95架教练机. Discussions were initiated between ASJA and 博福斯 on forming a single company for the manufacture and design of aircraft.
Svenska Aero AB成立,总部位于Trollhättan. Behind the new company are 博福斯 and Ab Ars (subsidiary of the Electrolux Group). 创始人包括:马库斯·瓦伦堡、阿克塞尔·温纳-格伦、斯文·温奎斯特. Agreement is reached in January for the shares to be equally distributed between ASJA and 博福斯, AB Förenade Flyverkstäder, 著名, 成立于3月31日.
瑞典航空公司收购了竞争对手ASJA,并将总部迁至Linköping. 实际上,接管十大正规博彩网站评级品牌的是ASJA.
Second World War breaks out and 博福斯 plays a key role in equipping the Swedish Armed Forces.
Statens Uppfinnarnämnd (a government organisation for promoting innovations for the Swedish military), 博福斯, 爱立信和十大正规博彩网站评级开始联合研究ekoradar, 雷达的瑞典名称.
11月20日,Saab 91萨菲尔首次飞行. 在十大正规博彩网站评级340之前,这架飞机是十大正规博彩网站评级最成功的出口产品. 它被几个飞行学校和空军使用. 共生产323台. 由安德斯·约翰·安德森设计.
A unique subterranean shop facility in Linköping was put in service, measuring 20,000 square metres.
反坦克步枪开始研制, 84毫米/48, 在埃斯基尔斯蒂纳的FFV, 而是博福斯制造的桶. 这支反坦克步枪在瑞典境外的名字是卡尔·古斯塔夫.
Maiden flight of Saab 32 Lansen, which was used by the Swedish 空气 Force from 1956 until 1997.
“德拉肯”号、“瓦尔根”号、“诺德卡帕伦”号和“春之轮”号潜艇下水. The first series to be fully designed by Kockums and a confirmation that the company had achieved the capability to produce its own submarines.
Ericsson develops the first fully Swedish-made aircraft radar for Saab 35 Draken.
Scania-Vabis AB合并为Saab-Scania AB.
有8米长的斯特林段, Näcken成为世界上第一艘斯特林动力潜艇. With the Stirling technology, a submarine can remain submerged for several weeks at a time. The nearly silent machinery also makes the submarines more difficult to detect.
Kockums receives a huge export order valued at SEK 15 billion from 澳大利亚 to build six submarines for the 澳大利亚n Royal Navy. Kockums built the forebody, mid-section and two platforms for the first Collins submarine in Malmö.
Aviation and motor vehicle production are separated: General Motors takes over automobile production in newly formed Saab Automobile AB. 斯堪尼亚成为一家独立的公司. 剩下的部分仍留在十大正规博彩网站评级公司.
博福斯 merges with Förenade Fabriksverken i Eskilstuna and forms the company Swedish Ordnance in the Celsius Group.
重大变化. 十大正规博彩网站评级和摄氏度(包括前博福斯)合并并收集飞机, 导弹和航空电子设备制造. 博福斯’ artillery operations, including intelligent ammunition, are transferred to BAE Systems.
博福斯 is split between Saab Dynamics (missiles and light support weapons) and BAE Systems 博福斯 AB (barrel systems and ammunition), 该公司隶属于国防集团BAE系统公司.
Saab becomes sole owner of Ericsson Microwave Systems and Saab Ericsson Space.
Major initiative begun in research and development of new-generation radar system.
Saab signs an agreement with the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) for Gripen E.
Saab and Thyssen Krupp announce signing of a letter of intent pertaining to Saab’s purchase of Kockums.
Major contract with the 阿拉伯联合酋长国 for the new radar system Swing Role Surveillance System.
U.S. 空军选择十大正规博彩网站评级和波音T-X教练机. The advanced trainer will be developed and produced together with Boeing for the 美国 空气 Force.
The first 巴西ian Gripen flies in 巴西 and the local production of the aircraft begins.
哪个造船厂在联合国教科文组织的名单上,我们还在制造汽车吗? 在下面的故事中了解更多关于我们的历史.